Thursday, 23 August 2012

iMUSTI.COM Becomes the first music portal to offer books, music and audio.-By Sachin Murdeshwar

Becomes the first music portal to offer books, music and audio
Mumbai, August 23rd,2012(Sachin Murdeshwar): a leadingprovider of digital Indian audio and video content, today announced its entryinto the eBook market. With this expansion, becomes the first musicportal to offer audio, video and books on a single platform. Aiming to offerexclusive and vast collections, has partnered with the leading bookpublishers of India. The eBooks will be available in their original format anddelivered to subscribers via computer/laptop, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Kindleor Android mobile device. willprovide a large number of books in English, Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit, andwill expand to other Indian languages as well. The collection will include titleson literature, politics, history, music, spirituality as well as children'sbooks. An interesting aspect of the development is that the users wouldbe given an option to buy as well as borrow the book and return after readingjust as they do in a physical library. With this proposition, iMusti turns intothe first music portal to launch a digital library across the globe. The userswould have to log into and subscribe to around five books forapproximately Rs. 300 per month. Access will be disabled automatically once thesubscription expires.

The members will be able to access the eBooks only throughthe website but as a complimentary offer, returned books will be available tothe customers for an additional period of one month. The members can alsopurchase hardcopies of books and have them shipped to their homes. The bookswill be available at affordable price ranging between $5 to $50.

Commenting on the significant expansion, Mr. SamirKhandwala, Founder & CEO said, “This exciting launch to the eBook market providesaccess to one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world and is anabsolute valuable addition to our portfolio. With this expansion, iMusti.combecomes the first music portal to offer huge content which is incomparable andlegal.  We are proud to partner with some of the finest book publisherssuch as Dhawale Prakashan andhave great confidence that the readers wouldenjoy the content which is not easily available in the market.”

Talking about the potential market, Mr. Khandwala commented,“The demand for eBooks enjoys anencouraging linear connection with factors such as increase incomputer/laptops, internet and mobile phone usage. According to a recent research by BowkerMarket Research’s Global eBook Monitor, US, Australia, India and UK are leadingthe world in eBook adoption rates. We see a huge potential and the demand willexpand to all categories of books including more local and impenetrableworks.” 

Commenting on theaffiliation, Mr. Aanjaneya Dhawale, Partner of Dhawale Publicationssaid, “We are excited to partner with to introduce our famouscollection in digital format for customers in all parts of the world. Theirtechnology platform will allow us to offer our collection in digital format andalso sell printed books.”

“Keshav BhikajiDhawale is more than a century old Book Publishing house and a name synonymouswith religious publishing in both Marathi and English. We are pioneer in thefields of Stostra, Sanskrit, Modi, Religious, Dictionary, Pooja-Katha, Childrenbooks, Astrology, Biography, and Fiction publishing in India.  Throughthis partnership, we aim to reach out to the readers who like to exploresimilar genres,   value quality content and enjoy reading,” added Mr.Dhawale. willfacilitate the subscribers to easily access new titles, add bookmarks, andcreate a library of titles viewed. iMusti would use the Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology for thesecure functioning of the digital library and all publishers have securelicenses for their digital functioning.

About is a prestigious label that offers digital entertainment worldwide.It brings in a complete range of audio, video and books content on all technologyplatforms for consumers. streams and sells only licensed Indianmusic from various genres including Bollywood, Hindustani classical, regional(e.g. Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu), Devotional, Yoga& meditation, etc. using various media. It is a premium brand that aspiresto build the largest and most comprehensive archive of audiovisualentertainment for Indian music enthusiasts worldwide. One of the key objectivesis to identify rare, popular and high-quality content in all genres and make itavailable to the subscribers.

Founded by President and CEO, S. Khandwala, iMusti Inc. cameinto existence in 2007 and is based in Silicon Valley with HQ offices inFremont, Calif., and Madurai, India.  Since inception, the companycontinues to gain momentum, winning accolades from connoisseurs of music aroundthe world.  For additional information on how to register, please visit stay current with iMusti developments, at  or!/iMustiTweets
L to R Mr.D.S.Ghaisas(Shri.Eknathi Bhagwat–English),Mr. Samir Khandwala,Founder & CEO,Ashutosh Gowarikar and Jayraj Salgawkar
L to R Mr.Ashutosh Gowarikar and Mr. Aanjaneya Dhawale, Partner of Dhawale Publications

Left to right - Mr.Aanjenay Dhawale,Mr.Samir Khandwala.

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