Friday, 12 October 2012

ZOTAC launches Mini PCs While expanding Graphics Cards Portfolio.:By Sachin Murdeshwar

                         ZOTAC launches Mini PCs

While expanding Graphics Cards Portfolio

Mumbai,12th Oct.2012.(Sachin Murdeshwar): ZOTAC International, a global innovator and manufacturer of graphics cards, mainboards and mini-PCs, today announced the launch of its brand new GeForce® GTX 650 Ti and GTX 650 Ti AMP! graphics cards. ZOTAC is also looking to shake up the mini-PC market and target lifestyle consumers with its ZBOX mini PCs. ZOTAC has the distinction of having the world’s smallest mini PC which is compatible with various operating system and provides users with an unparalleled computing as well as interactive entertainment experiences.

ZOTAC has been one of the leading players in the graphics cards market in India since its entry almost 5 years ago. With products that take the gaming experience to all new ZOTAC GeForce® GTX 650 Ti series sets new benchmarks in India.           
ZOTAC is a pioneer in the area of mini –PCs with the ZBOX. The ZOTAC ZBOX enhances the home theatre PC experience as well as converts LCD, LED and plasma televisions into more than just smart TVs. The iconic pocket sized ZOTAC ZBOX nano XS AD11 is upto five times more energy efficient than comparable traditional tower PCs. Low noise levels and convenient sizing make the ZBOX the ideal solution for consumers looking to step up their entertainment and computing experience together.

Speaking at the launch Christoffer Suess, Senior Marketing Manager EMEAI, ZOTAC International said, “We have always pushed ourselves and produced products that are high in quality and experience without pinching the customer pockets. While smart televisions are looking at taking the consumers to the next level of television experiences although at significantly higher cost, the ZBOX gives consumers a more cost effective and flexible but yet more efficient option.”

“The cards launched today would extract every drop of performance available from the graphics processor to deliver hi-end quality and superior gaming precision. Global PC Gaming Hardware Market is expected to touch $23.6 Billion in 2012, it’s growing rapidly. ZOTAC is one of the drivers of this trend by continuously developing innovative products and deliver best quality”, concluded Mr Suess.

“ZOTAC is a pioneer of technology, be it in the gaming sector or the Mini PC’s market where we have the pride of having the world’s smallest Mini PC. Our ZBOX is the next class defining IT product in the compact computing hardware.” said Deepak Gupta, Country Manager for India.

“While the Indian gaming market is fairly nascent in its adaptation of new technology and trends it is also one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Our gamers are among the best in the world and have the advantage with cutting edge technology being available to them. We are optimistic about the growth of the market and the gaming industry overall and have a slew of products lined up for launch over the coming months“. He concluded.
Zotac had announced its GeForce 650 in September 2012, along with AMP! Version for it. The Zotac GeForce GTX 650 series introduce new features to the product-class with new Nvidia Surround technology that enables triple-display gaming capabilities, and NVENC encoding instructions that quickly accelerate video processing tasks. Combined, the new Nvidia Surround and NVENC features enable gamers to experience great immersion. At the same time, gamers can use the graphics cards to speed up video transcoding tasks to convert videos for use on portable media devices, when not gaming.

Features of the Zotac GeForce GTX 650:
       · NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 GPU
       · 384 processor cores
       · 128-bit memory interface
       · Custom dual-slot cooling

Another important difference between the regular edition of the Zotac GeForce GTX 650 and the AMP! Edition is the memory of the GPU. The regular edition gives an engine clock of 1,071MHz, a memory clock of 5,000MHz, and comes with either 1GB or 2GB of GDDR5 memory. The AMP! Edition comes with an engine clock of 1,189MHz, a memory clock of 5,600MHz and 2GB of GDDR5 memory.


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